Festivalito Rural 2017
TTT Talks with Friends
Each of us entered the world of argentine tango with a specific background, and followed a unique path in his or her development as a dancer. The wealth of knowledge and experience gathered by each individual dancer is thus very varied. We believe that learning tango and about tango should not be limited to tango workshops and that we can learn important and useful things not just from a couple of teachers but also from each other. We envision TTT Talks with Friends as a small, one-day conference where participants can exchange their knowledge, thoughts, ideas, research, experience, opinions etc.
We invite you to join the conference either as a presenter or a (non-presenting) participant. Just to be clear: we value your input even if you register "just" as a participant, and hope you will ask questions, participate in discussions etc.
(Check out this page to learn about the name and history of the conference.)
For presenters
We are intentionally leaving both the topic and the format of an individual presentation very loose.
The topic of your contribution can be anything, as long as it is connected to argentine tango. Specifically, we're not limiting the topics to dancing or dance technique, but also welcome contributions on musicality, DJing, body mechanics, teaching, social aspects, history, applying tango "in the real world" etc. In short, anything goes.
Here's a list of topics presented at previous TTT Talks, in hope that it will expand the pool of your ideas rather than limit it: Bodywork & Tango - a way of having more creativity, flexibility and less tension while dancing; Change of roles as a constant source of progression; Curved walks; Differentiation of head - spine - pelvis (related to counter-body-movement); Qigong & Tango - an approximation of images; Role allocation in teaching/learning and Active communication for followers; Tango around the year & TTT-graduates-mobility; Teaching musicality - intuitive vs. analytical approach; The pelvis - mechanics of your centre; Upper-body movement in crossed system walk: the complete story.
The format of your talk is not predetermined, either. In terms of interactivity, it can be anywhere between a classical talk and a round table discussion; if you wish, you may prepare a (multimedia) presentation and/or handouts; as we're dancers, your presentation may even include some "movement" by the participants. In short, we leave the decision to the presenter.
We're also flexible about the duration of your presentation: anything from 20 to 50 min (including any discussion) should be ok, but we reserve the right to ask for adjustment in case we get many contributions.
Language of the conference is English. The maximum duration of all talks will be about 6 hours, plus breaks. We'll offer some (free) snacks and refreshments during those.
The conference is free for presenters; for other participants, the fee is 30€, which will be fully refunded in the unlucky and unlikely case of cancellation.
Registration is only possible as a part of registration to Festivalito Rural. Both presenters and other participants should register via its registration form. Additionally, we ask presenters to send the following information about their contribution to Alja:
- the title,
- a short (about one paragraph long) description,
- desired duration (between 20 and 50 minutes, including discussion),
- the format (talk, discussion, etc.),
- required equipment, if any.
You can send us the email at any time, but obviously, the sooner the better. Actually, we'd like it the most if you did it even before we open the registration to Festivalito Rural.
Selection procedure
While we in principle wish to accept all contributions, we must reserve the right to reject a contribution, e.g. because it doesn't fit in the schedule (anymore). The "programme committee" consists of Melina, Detlef, Alja and Sašo.
Contributions and schedule
Here's the list of contributions accepted so far. (The schedule will be added here as well.)
Melina Sedó | Leading Ladies - Where do we go from here? |
Gregor Killing | The influence of sound quality on dance quality – a guided self-experience |
Toon Macharis | International Tango Network |
Ramona Steckermeier | Breathtaking Tango – Respiration and Relaxation in Dancing |
Alja Ferme and Sašo Živanović | On the heels of understanding |